Author Archives: Guillermo Perez

SYNTCOMP 2019 Results

The results of SYNTCOMP 2019 have been presented at the SYNT workshop and at CAV 2019. The slides used for the SYNT presentation can be found here. The experiments can now be browsed on StarExec here (see the subspaces corresponding to each track).

Like in the previous years, the competition was split into a safety track, based on specifications in AIGER format, and an LTL track, with specifications in TLSF. This year exceptionally, for the safety track we have only considered the realizability-checking task. Furthermore, we have only ran the sequential mode of the resulting three categories. For the LTL track and the synthesis task we have an additional ranking based on not only the quantity, but also the quality of solutions.

Here are the tools that had the best results in these categories:

AbsSynthe (solved 192 out of 274 problems in the AIGER/safety Realizability Track, sequential mode)

Strix (solved the most problems in all TLSF/LTL tracks and modes, and won the quality ranking in the TLSF/LTL Synthesis Track, with 717 points in sequential mode)

Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all contributors of benchmarks and all participants!